Q1 Does Pro-480 fixture have both uv and ir diodes?
A1 Yes, Pro-480 has UV and IR diodes, you can also find it on its Spectrum.
Q2 Is PRO480 safe to run 24 hours?
A2 Yes, The light itself is safe to run 24 hours per day. But we recommend to run 12-14hours per day for a better and healty grow for your plants.
Q3 As for PRO480, how many would you need for a 8ft x 8ft grow tent?
A3 The size of PRO-480 is 36'' x 36'' and It is perfect to install 2pcs PRO-480 in your 8ftx 8ft grow tent.
Q4 How many plants can I grow with PRO480?
A4 It depends on the size of your plants, you can grow 6 to 8 plants in veg, or 3 to 4 large plants in flowers.
Q5 As for PRO 480, what are the suggestions for dimming?
A5 In clone and germination stages, the recommeded brightness is 30%; In seedling stage, it is 50%-60%; In vegetive stage, it is 70%-100%; In flowering stage, it is 100%.
Q6 Can I install the driver out of the tent?
A6 Yes, we have extension cable for PRO-480. The Extenstion cable is the same model as HPF series