I changed the LED in the Floweringroom
I turned to Hyphotonflux-The HPF 4000 that has 480 Watt,The " Redlight range" is bigger with this Lights.So i hope to support my Girls very good in the Floweringperiod,I had to eliminate the other Bubba Kush because she hermied,The remaining plant starts into week 2 of Flower.I added INSECTFRASS as Topdress to keep her happy
The remaining Bubba Kush Plant, already sjhows lovely Budsites
she looks quite happy and green
She had some Bottom area cleaning last Week
drinking more than 1 l per Day
Bubba Kush got her first Bloom Feeding
she's chugging along, and doing very good Progress
buds are stacking up. Plant looks quite happy
Bubba Kush is into overdrive,
Buds are stacking up
The Plant gets feeding every day, the Last 5 Days, because they looked Hungry,
and Thristy
She drinks around 1.5l every day
Bubba Kush looking very good
Buds are bulking up
Girl is very thirsty, drinks 1,5-2l per day
she gets in every second watering NPK-Feeding like listed
The other Days only Beneficals
Iam happy with my new Lights, Plants love it and look super Happy with that Lightspectrum
Thses Girls are superthirsty, and if i grow them again i will give them 30l Pots instead of 15l
they are soaking up around 2liter and more.and you got to be patient, and water wquite slow
The Lights are doing an awsome JOb
Plants love the Lightspectrum of the Hyphotonflux HPF-4000
thats easy to see,
The Skywalkers had a strong Week.
They were doubling up the Budsites-
Its easy to see, that they LOOOOVE their Conditions,
Especially the Lights- The HYPHOTONFLUX HPF-4000
Iam very Pleased with the Strength and the Lightspectrum
Girls growing lovely and sweet, No Sings of Lightstress😍
he Skywalkers had a strong Week.
We are very close to Harvest, just a few more Days
Its easy to see, that they LOOOOVE their Conditions,
Especially the Lights- The HYPHOTONFLUX HPF-4000
Iam very Pleased with the Strength and the Lightspectrum
These Girls had a pretty fast Start, and were growing very well.
I recommend some training on them , otherwise they produce to much Leaves for my taste.
But overall iam very fine with these Genetics.
They were Harvested after Weeks of Flower.
Hyphotomflux HPF-4000, two Times.The Plants love the Lightspectrum.
Buds were well shaped and dense
sticky and very smelly.atm Buds are curing.